Some coloring for Easter & Spring ...

For all of us who don’t have white eggs 🥚 or food coloring in their homes - here are 2 coloring pages of eggs to color 🖍 - one with pattens & one with blank eggs 🥚 I will post them on my website blog so you can download them and celebrate 🥳 Easter 🐣 Spring 🌸 or just a happy Sunday 💫


Feel free to download and color for your personal enjoyment!!

peace & be well 😘

keep peace with your soul ...

Here is your April calendar, for you to use for your personal enjoyment. And again, like all the past months of 2020, i was inspired by the wonderful; and quite timely poem, Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. To see the entire poem, click here to my dailydress inspirations blog as I have shared it many times.

stay safe & be well … virginia

... and whatever your labors and aspirations,in the noisy confusion of lifekeep peace with your soul.With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,it is still a beautiful world.Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

... and whatever your labors and aspirations,

in the noisy confusion of life

keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,

it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

the ABC's of BEEing ...

In light of our new normal and our need to stay home and be social distance for the foreseeable future, I decided this is a perfect time to work on one of my projects that has been percolating in my brain for YEARS!

Introducing my first go at a coloring book (drum roll please …)

the ABC’s of BEEing

This coloring book will feature positive and inspiring states of being as well as celebrating the nature and the wonders and importance of bees. My plan had been to publish the book and donate a percentage of the sales to help the survival of bees, however with the current state of the world, I want to offer the pages to any and all who would enjoy them. Coloring is a good 'social distancing' activity AND coloring is a proven activity that can lessen our stress and anxiety!



And as creating coloring pages is a new endeavor for me I would SO appreciate any feedback -such as: black lines are too thick, needs more smaller areas to color or more larger areas?!? I would SO appreciate any feedback -I’m open for all suggestions ~ thank you!

remember what peace there may be in silence ... this month

Here is my monthly calendar that I post for my followers to download and use for their personal enjoyment. Since the new year I have been highly inspired by Max Ehrmann’s poem Desiderata. Hence the past months’ calendars have been inspired by a line from this text, and March is no difference.


So please feel free to download and enjoy this printable calendar.

Happy March and peace, Virginia

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Good-bye 2018 & hello 2019!!

As we head into 2019 I am excited to be part of a creative community called IlloStories put together by two lovely and talented illustrators - Deborah Stein & Erica Root . For the entire year IlloStories will present themes and prompts to help us inspiring illustrators create exciting and new work for our portfolios.

If you are interested in joining the fun join the IlloStories facebook group, and keep an eye out for all the work with the tags @illostories #IlloStories on FB and instagram.

I tend to do well with challenges and prompts (it is my love for being a student :) Below are my #topnine from my instagram feed and 3 come from Creativebug’s class, Daily Painting Challenge: 31 Painted Patterns with Lisa Congdon and one of my illustrations that I did in Lilla Rogers’ Make Art That Sells Bootcamp. So it will be fun to see what will come from IlloStories .

Thank you & peace,


this is my ‘top-nine’ from my instagram …

this is my ‘top-nine’ from my instagram …