#havegluestickwilltravel #virginiacreates #monthlycalendar #hgswt blues Anais Nin
Read MoreA blast from the part ... press from 2018
For a numerous reasons I have returned to posting on old art blog: Virginiacreates
But in case you don’t know about this blog - I will (hopefully) be linking each post here.
Happy surfing & peace
Link to post: https://virginiafitzgerald.blogspot.com/2021/10/a-blast-from-part-press-from-2018.html
feel free to print and use as you wish!
believe it or not it's .... NOVEMBER?!?
“Autumn is a second spring when
every leaf is a flower.”
Albert Camus
feel free to print and use as you wish!
Hello October my old friend ...
“The beauty of the natural world lies in the details.”
— Natalie Angier
Fall is a'coming with fluttering leaves ...
Happy September, here is your virginiacreates September calendar, for the refrigerator, the car, the wall by your desk?!? or anywhere that it might be handy to have a calendar to help keep track of this thing called life!!
se feel free to print and use as you wish!
“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”
Emily Brontë
Good-bye 2018 & hello 2019!!
As we head into 2019 I am excited to be part of a creative community called IlloStories put together by two lovely and talented illustrators - Deborah Stein & Erica Root . For the entire year IlloStories will present themes and prompts to help us inspiring illustrators create exciting and new work for our portfolios.
If you are interested in joining the fun join the IlloStories facebook group, and keep an eye out for all the work with the tags @illostories #IlloStories on FB and instagram.
I tend to do well with challenges and prompts (it is my love for being a student :) Below are my #topnine from my instagram feed and 3 come from Creativebug’s class, Daily Painting Challenge: 31 Painted Patterns with Lisa Congdon and one of my illustrations that I did in Lilla Rogers’ Make Art That Sells Bootcamp. So it will be fun to see what will come from IlloStories .
Thank you & peace,
this is my ‘top-nine’ from my instagram …
ducks in a row ....
during the course of the past years my blogs have multiplied, to the point that maintaining them has become daunting. and since one of my intentions for 2017 is to get my social media ducks in a row i am combining my many blogs and putting them here on my new website!!
all this online 'stuff' take time, but my hope is that a year, 2017, is an adequate time to set up my new website, set-up and open my Etsy shop, or at least an online store and get back to blogging, because i truly enjoy blogging.
during this change-over process i am aware of all these 'rules' and routines about social media and how having all this noise in my head has nearly paralyzed me, so i am trying to get back to basics, what is important ... so let's see how this goes.