Forever – is composed of Nows –

new month, new #virginiacreates calendar ~ happy may!

feel free to print and use for your personal enjoyment ~ peace

 “Forever – is composed of Nows – (690)

Forever – is composed of Nows –
‘Tis not a different time –
Except for Infiniteness –
And Latitude of Home –

From this – experienced Here –
Remove the Dates – to These –
Let Months dissolve in further Months –
And Years – exhale in Years –

Without Debate – or Pause –
Or Celebrated Days –
No different Our Years would be
From Anno Dominies –”

― Emily Dickinson, The Poems of Emily Dickinson (Goodreads)

As we head into September ....

It is better to travel well than to arrive ~ Buddha

feel free to print and use for your personal enjoyment ~ peace

September always makes me think of school - even though I haven’t gone back to school in a long while.

I was that kid that loved school. I loved!!! getting new school supplies - I mean who wouldn’t want new pens and pads of paper?!?? But besides the new supplies I did love being in the classroom - it was an adventure.

I feel like school was a bit like traveling. Though not as exciting as physically traveling, you were expanding your horizons and learning about new places and people and even different languages.

As a parent I tried to instill this idea about school into my girls (sadly, not quite successfully). I tried emphasize the learning and not grades, to help them see the adventure and not the drudgery. I feel every day offers us lessons and new perspectives. So I choose this quote from Buddha for this month, in the hopes that we will remember that we are all on a journey and to enjoy the ride.

Happy learning & peace, Virginia

this is the year for our wildest manifestations ...

Happy new year!!

Letting go creates the space we need to welcome our wildest manifestations.
Taj Arora

what will be your wildest manifestations in 2022?

what will you be letting go?

January calendar collage believe virginia creates

for your personal use & enjoyment

peace, Virginia